Wednesday 9 November 2011

Analysis of psychological thriller

The credits of the producer and distributioners, is splashed with coloured paint,something usually associated with children and a key theme to the film.

Mis en Scene

Settings/ backgrounds are used throughout this trailer to create realism.
Schools are a common convention of a psychological/slasher horror; the victims are either students or the killer has had a traumatic childhood and wants to seek revenge. The main setting is in the family’s home, making the audience more relatable to the victims situation and scared,as it could be them,making the film more thrilling and un-nerving.
We see a hospital, a park,settings both realistic and used in films such as Prom Night or Scream. 
Other mise-en-scene elements add to the effect. Esther’s dark, old-fashioned costume and watching her sister sleep in the dark,with the thunder and lightening,shocking and scaring the audience.

The combination of Diegetic and Non Diegetic Sound is used to create fear and anticipation for the audience. Diegetic sound has been used in this film trailer to help aid the target audience’s understanding of the narrative. Towards the middle of the trailer,  we hear the mother’s voice say “I think there is something wrong with Esther”. Immediately, the target audience are aware that something bad is going to happen and that Esther isn’t the child we first thought to be is a lie. Yet her violent tendencies,are emphasised, in the scene, where she is locked in the toilet,violently kicking the wall, again shattering the image of her 'angelic nature',with a close up of her foot hitting the wall.

When first meeting her future parents, Esther states “I guess I am different”, so from the beginning, on a sub conscious level, the audience become aware that this is no ordinary child. During the climax of the trailer, dialogue becomes mainly screams and shouting; the mother on numerous occasions shouts out “What did you do!” “What are you doing?!”
 This then makes it apparent to the target audience that the family are in trouble and that Esther is the one causing the trouble. Esther’s scream, on the other hand, which we hear about half way through the trailer, is spine chilling and signals her disturbed mental state, again hinting that there is ‘something wrong’ with this child, confirmed when her mother,rings a psychiatric hospital in  Russia.
Non Diegetic Sound has been used in this trailer to create a sense of fear and suspense. The sounds/music excites the target audience and makes them want to know what happens next, thus making them want to go and watch the film. At the start of the trailer, a light piano piece is being played contradicting the genre of the film but emphasis on Esthers innocent persona, that she uses as a 'shield'. As the trailer digresses, the music becomes more eerie and the tempo builds up which suggests to the target audience that the action/ horror is about to take place. During the climax of the trailer, there is a sharp beat that gradually gets louder and louder, similar to a heartbeat.

Camera shots are used to highlight, Esther's growing dominance over her peers and family. An extreme close up of children’s playground equipment, of the hinges of a tire spinning, in a deserted playground,something also disconcerting to the audience; a playground should be bustling with children and their parents. It then fades to black, with a continuation of speech from the psychologist’s analysis of Esther, only stopping for sound effects such as the squeak of the playground equipment. Another extreme close-up of the hinges on a set of swings also appears,emphasising Esther and the playgrounds isolation.
The scene,where Esther sees her school bully, we track  the girl up to the top of one of the play instruments where she appears to push her off. A shot is then shown of Esther at the top, looking powerful and like it was her kingdom, her domain, due to the low angle of the shot,also contrasting to her victim,who was once the alpha and is now the weak,victim.

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